STEP-UP Chattanooga places Hamilton County working-age students in paid internships with local companies, provides work-readiness training, on-the-job experience, professional mentors, advanced career opportunities and ongoing support.

students trained

participating employers

earned by students

Organizations hosting STEP-UP interns will build relationships with a pool of talented, diverse future employees while filling job vacancies and demonstrating a commitment to improving the lives of at-risk youth. Students will have opportunities to explore careers while developing work skills, as well as to network with adult professionals who can help them achieve educational and professional goals.
We are actively seeking partnerships with local organizations who want to hire STEP-UP interns. Please contact Jeff Rector for more information.
Opportunities for Employers
STEP-UP Chattanooga helps bridge this critical gap between our talented young people and the needs of our region’s workforce.
STEP-UP Chattanooga will provide young people with internships at local companies, nonprofits and public agencies, providing critical work-readiness training, on-the-job experience, professional connections and ongoing support for career and college success.