Over the course of the experience, STEM Fellows engage in top-tier professional development on best practices in problem-based learning, inquiry teaching, cross-curriculum teaching and learning, and technology integration.

STEM Fellow alumni

public schools served

TN STE(A)M Designations Earned

STEM Fellows was originally developed by the PEF Innovation Hub in partnership with the Tennessee STEM Innovation Network in 2012 under a Race to the Top Grant. In 2018, the fellowship was redesigned to directly support schools in southeast TN that are pursuing TN STE(A)M Designation. Since it's redesign, STEM Fellows has directly supported 14 schools that have gone on to successfully earn STE(A)M Designation in TN!
The process involves fellows developing their capacity as teacher leaders as they engage with their school administration teams to develop rigorous PBL units, community partnerships, and communication and engagement strategies with school families all in an effort to grow a STE(A)M mindset across their school community.
TN STE(A)M Designation
STEM Fellows participate in several key professional development opportunities throughout their time in the fellowship, including structured PD on project and problem-based learning, organizing a STEM event for their school community, and identifying and participating in a STEM job shadow experience. Each activity is specifically designed to empower fellows to grow as Teacher Leaders, Community Connectors, and Instructional Experts.
PEF believes firmly great teachers make a tremendous impact on students. STEM Fellows is designed to support the development of GREAT teachers!